Me Cornelia Seeger Tappy
The best defences against the vicissitudes of life are courage, independent spirit and patience. From courage comes strength, independent spirit is fun, and patience leads to tranquillity.
(H. Hesse)
Me Cornelia Seeger Tappy
Domains practiced
- Labour law, employment
- Family law, divorce
- Law of inheritance, executions of testaments
- Immigration law
- Criminal law
- Law of contract, real estate
- Civil responsibility, traffic lawl
Languages practiced
- French and German, principal languages
- Swiss-German, mother language
- English, excellent working knowledge
Personal details
- Born in 1959, origin canton Thurgau, Switzerland
- Up to the age 14 lived in Germany, Austria, Uganda and Burundi
- Since then domiciled in canton Vaud, Switzerland
- Married to Denis Tappy, professor of law at University of Lausanne
- Three children born in 1992, 1993, and 1995
- 1981: University of Lausanne, Faculty of Law, Degree in Swiss Law
- 1989: University of Lausanne, Faculty of Law, Degree in Swiss Law with Thesis
- 1991: The Cantonal Court, Vaud, Diploma of attorney-at-law
Notable publications
- 1986: “Stages of unification of the Swiss matrimonial law: from the Helvetic Republic to the law of 1874” (in L’Unification du droit privé suisse au XIXe siècle, 1986, pp.57ff)
- 1989: “Annulation of marriage, divorce and legal separation in Geneva during Calvin’s period; foundations of doctrine, law and jurisprudence” (thesis, Lausanne 1989)
- 1992: “Introduction of divorce: a legacy of reformers” (1992, Uni Lausanne n° 71, p. 74)
Professional experiences
- 1983 – 1989: Clerk, The Cantonal Court, Vaud
- 1989-1991: Trainee lawyer at “Morier-Genoud & Koelliker”, Lausanne
- 1991-1998: Attorney-at-law, at law-firm of the President of the Bar association Vaud, Philippe Richard, Vaud, Lausanne
- 1993-2003: Vice-president of The Court of Labor litigation of the Riviera region, Montreux/Vevey
- 1998- 2010: Attorney-at-law, independent partner of Morier-Genoud & Koelliker, Perrot and later Favre and Dénériaz, Lausanne
- 2010 – present: Partner at “Etter & Seeger”, Vevey
- 2019 – present : Law practice in partnership with Milena Lippens
Professional associations
- 2001 – 2009: Member of the board and vice-president of The Central Committee for the associations of women, Vaud, Lausanne
- 2009 – 2012: Member of the Board of the Association of lawyers of the canton Vaud
- 1999 – 2012: Member of the Board of “La Maison du Pèlerin” (home for elderly), and vice-president; President since 2012
- 2005 – present: Member of the committee of parochial choir of Corsier, President since 2011
- 2007 – 2017: Member of the Committee of the Red Cross of canton Vaud, Lausanne
- 2014 – Present: Member of the Committee for the management control of the Red Cross, Switzerland
Hobbies and interests
- Choir and solo singing (soprano)
- Hiking
- Traveling
- Cycling
- Philosophy and spirituality
Some victories I am proud of
Better protection for beneficiaries of legal assistance
Thanks to my legal fight up to Federal Court Canton de Vaud must from now on have more consideration for beneficiaries of legal assistance. According to Federal court (judgement 2C_350.2017), the competent administrative office must first check the financial situation of the former beneficiaries of legal assistance, before asking them to reimburse the legal costs ; a formal decision must be taken, with the possibility of an appeal. The parties must of course cooperate and give due information about their finances. This will put an end to the shocking practice of the cantonal administration, who invited the beneficiary of legal assistance to sign a reimbursement plan, often of thousands of franks, as soon as the court case was finished, sending « commandements de payer » for the entire unpayed amounts, as soon as the promised monthly payment was a few days late.
The « Code de droit privé judiciaire vaudois » has just been modified (by law of 11 December 2018, articles 39a et 39b; cf. RSV 211.02).
Several cases, mentioned in various publications
- 24 Heures of 4.1.2017, « La justice se met en pelote pour une histoire de chat » (Justice winds itself up for a cat’s story) ; Jurius, « Streit um Waadtländer Katze von Bundesgericht entschieden » (Federal Court decidesa dispute about cat from canton de Vaud), Jusletter 12. November 2018 ; Federal Court, case 6B_815/2018, published Semaine Judiciaire 2018 I 451.
- 24 Heures of 15.12.2009 « Parole de psy n’est pas parole d’évangile » (Word of a psychiatrist is not word of the Gospel) (Federal Court, case 6B_450/2009)
- Juris, Jusletter, of 15.6.09 : « Employée du Département vaudois des finances mobbée » (Employee of Departement of Finances of canton de Vaud mobbed) (Federal Court, case 1C_418/2008)